Sustainability and competitiveness of European agriculture are intrinsically related to the efficient use of water, fertilisers and Plant Protection Products (PPP), for optimising plants needs while minimising the environmental impacts.
The joint effort of minimising wastewater, and optimising the use of nitrogen-and phosphorus-based fertilisers and PPPs is aligned to the so-called Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in the context of the circular economy, where issues such as efficiency and resilience of water use are mandatory.
Excessive application of fertilisers and Plant Protection Products (PPP) is still responsible for concentrations beyond guideline values in around one third of ground water bodies in Europe. It is necessary to improve monitoring capacity to identify pollution hotspots and to develop effective action programmes. Understanding how nutrient NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and PPP concentrations (organophosphates/neonicotinoids) affect fertigations schedule/programs and filtering treatments seems mandatory.
The objectives of AGRINuPeS are:
*At the time of the proposal. Please consider this data as an accurate estimate; it may vary during the project’s lifespan.
Total costs include in kind contribution by grant holders and can therefore be higher than the total requested funding.