The Solution4Farming (S4F) project aims to provide climate-specific solutions for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in mixed farming systems across Europe while enhancing circularity. The project's objectives encompass identifying synergies with other sectors, developing ICT tools, and validating solutions. Three pilots will be conducted: Pilot #1 will explore GHG mitigation options in mixed crop-livestock production, Pilot #2 will evaluate circularity enhancements through livestock-crop synergies in southeastern Spain, and Pilot #3 will test circularity and GHG mitigation solutions in a Polish pilot plant. Expected results include new technologies like fertilizers and adsorbents, a Decision Support System for emissions management, and agro-system circularity enhancements based on regional livestock-crop synergies. Additionally, a controlled growth module for high-value crop cultivation tests will be developed. The project will utilize life cycle assessment (LCA) for effectiveness evaluation. Dissemination, communication, and result exploitation will be integral to the project's outcomes, contributing to sustainable farming practices and GHG emissions reduction.
The Solution4Farming project innovative results are:
R1: New technologies to increase circularity and reduce GHG emissions: new liquid and solid fertilizers, new adsorbents for use in
ammonium nitrogen removal
R2: Decision Support System for management of the mixed crop-livestock farms activities to mitigate GHG emissions
R3: New management options to enhance agro-systems circularity based on the regional synergies between livestock and crop production
R4: New controlled growth module to be used for the cultivation tests related to high-value crops, eg. barley shoots by utilizing recycled
*At the time of the proposal. Please consider this data as an accurate estimate; it may vary during the project’s lifespan.
Total costs include in kind contribution by grant holders and can therefore be higher than the total requested funding.