DG Agri strategy on Agricultural Research and InnovationThe strategy aims to harness EU investments in the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in view of the following main objectives: ensure food security in the long term; address the environmental sustainability and resilience of competitive land-based primary production for food and non-food systems; and boost the sustainable growth of rural territories. In addition, it seeks to improve the delivery of research results for policy use. Focused on land-based primary production from agriculture and forestry and extended to food and non-food chains and the rural economy, it has five priority areas for research and innovation under two thematic headings: Creating value from land - sustainable primary production: • Priority 1: Resource management (notably soil, water and biodiversity) • Priority 2: Healthier plants and animals • Priority 3: Integrated ecological approaches from farm to landscape level. Enhancing rural innovation - modernising rural areas and policies: • Priority 4: New openings for rural growth • Priority 5: Enhancing the human and social capital in rural areas.