FOSCOne of the most complex societal challenges is to achieve food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture under a changing climate. Ensuring food and nutrition security in the long-term while containing global warming within 1.5 or 2°C, will require major changes on a societal-level and a systemic transformation of our food systems.
FOSC, the ERA‐NET Cofund on Food Systems and Climate, is a consortium of 28 international partners from Europe, Africa, and Latin America, which supports research that will contribute to meeting this challenge: it aims to initiate and push ahead transnational collaboration on the societal and systemic transition to sustainable and climate‐resilient food systems.
The first co-funded call of FOSC, launched in December 2019, focuses on food systems and climate. This call belongs to the FACCE-JPI 2020-onwards - Core theme 1 - An agricultural sector that contributes to climate neutrality; Core theme 2 - Sustainable & resilient agriculture; Core theme 3 - Nutrition-sensitive agricultural production for food security and Core theme 4 - Trade-offs and synergies between food production, ecosystems and climate.
*Automatic sum of the projects’ total cost and total requested funding estimated at the time of the proposal. These numbers may vary during the projects’ lifespan, please consider the addition as an accurate estimate.
Total costs include in kind contribution by grant holders and can therefore be higher than the total requested funding.